Joseph Hastings
Co-Executive Director | he·him·hisPhone: (575) 224-1701
Email: jhastings@explora.us

Kristin Leigh
Co-Executive Director | she·her·hersPhone: (505) 600-6365
Email: kleigh@explora.us
Marketing and Communication

Amythyst Marciano
Communications and Marketing Manager | she·her·hersPhone: 505-600-6072
Email: amarciano@explora.us

Warren Pemberton
Graphic Visual Designer | he·theyPhone: 505-600-1406
Email: wpemberton@explora.us
Finance & Administration

Shane Montoya
Director of Administration and Culture | he·him·hisPhone: (505) 600-6782
Email: smontoya@explora.us

Renee Nieto
Accounting Manager | she·her·hersPhone: (505) 600-6503
Email: tnieto@explora.us

Alicia Gonzalez
Accounting Assistant | she·her·hersEmail: agonzalez@explora.us

Adrianna Sanchez
Executive Assistant | she·her·hersEmail: asanchez@explora.us

Sydney Hunter
IT Manager | she·her·hersEmail: shunter@explora.us

Nyra Klawer
Director of Development & External Relations | she·her·hersEmail: nklwaler@explora.us

Trisha Pillars
Development Manager| she·her·hersPhone: (505) 600-6487
Email: tpillars@explora.us

Taylor Hood
Grant Writer | he·him·hisEmail: thood@explora.us

Karen Enriquez
Membership Manager | she·her·hersPhone: (505) 600-6665
Email: kenriquez@explora.us

Becky Anderson
Project Coordinator, Capital Campaign | she·her·hersPhone: (505) 600-6582
Email: banderson@explora.us

Tara Henderson
Director of Education | she·her·hersPhone: (505) 600-6510
Email: thenderson@explora.us

Lauren Butcher
School & Community Programs Manager | she·her·hersPhone: (505) 600-6568
Email: lbutcher@explora.us

Edwina Andrade
Reservations Manager | she·her·hersPhone: (505) 600-6734
Email: eandrade@explora.us

William Allen
Educator | he·him·hisEmail: wallen@explora.us

Kevin Dilley
STEM Learning Coordinator | he·him·hisEmail: kdilley@explora.us

Tom Curtis
Educator | he·him·hisEmail: tcurtis@explora.us

Nicole Garcia
Educator | she·her·hersEmail: ngarcia@explora.us

Jasmine Roanhorse
Educator | she·her·hersEmail: jroanhorse@explora.us

Victoria Roanhorse
Manager of the Coalition for Science Learning in Early Childhood | she·her·hersEmail: vroanhorse@explora.us

Caroline Rempe
Educator | she·her·hersEmail: crempe@explora.us

Alyii Perea
Educator | she·her·hersEmail: aperea@explora.us

Emily McGinty
Camps & Public Programs Manager | she·her·hersEmail: emcginty@explora.us

Marina Philip
Educator | she·her·hersPhone: (505) 600-6651
Email: mphilip@explora.us

Macarena Blevins
Educator | she·her·hersEmail: mblevins@explora.us

Roxanne Candelaria-Ley
Educator | she·her·hersEmail: rcandelaria-ley@explora.us

Isabel Tafoya
Educator | she·her·hersEmail: itafoya@explora.us

Anthony Salvagno
Educator | she·her·hersEmail: asalvagno@explora.us

Brandon Barney
Educator | he·him·hisEmail: bbarney@explora.us

Rachel Zollinger
Educator | she·her·hersEmail: rzollinger@explora.us

Drew Lauderdale
Educator | he·him·hisEmail: dlauderdale@explora.us

Dixie Cooper
Eddie Sanchez
Educator | he·him·hisesanchez@explora.us

Jamyah Cage
EducatorVisitor Experience

Julia Sackett
Director of Visitor Experience | she·her·hersPhone: (505) 600-6325
Email: jsackett@explora.us

Alex Pesavento
Front Entry and Welcome Experience Manager | she·her·hersPhone: (505) 600 6670
Email: apesavento@explora.us

Kristen Kinney
Visitor Experience Manager | she·her·hersPhone: 505-600-6010
Email: kkinney@explora.us

Natalie Casaus
VE Coordinator: Public Programs | she·her·hersPhone: 505-600-6833
Email: ncasaus@explora.us

Rose Smithson
CPI Manager | she·her·hersEmail: ssmithson@explora.us

Alex Prestia
V.E. Birthday Parties Coordinator | she·her·hersPhone: (505) 600-7603
Email: aprestia@explora.us

Gary Macias
Exhibits Tech / Visitor Experience Facilitator | he·him·hisEmail: gmacias@explora.us

Hugh McDonald
Director of Exhibits, Exhibitions, and EnvironmentsEmail: hmcdonald@explora.us

Jeff Taylo
Manager, Exhibits Shop | he·him·hisEmail: jtaylo@explora.us

Emilija Worthington
Exhibit Developer | she·her·hersEmail: eworthington@explora.us

Drew Hatzung
Makerspace Coordinator and Exhibit Tech | he·him·hisEmail: ahatzung@explora.us

Lyric Ellison
Exhibits Logistics Coordinator | she·her·hersEmail: lellison@explora.us

Gary Macias
Exhibits Tech / Visitor Experience Facilitator | he·him·hisEmail: gmacias@explora.us

Nick Springer
Exhibits Tech | he·him·hisEmail: nspringer@explora.us

Daniel Stromberg
Exhibit DeveloperRentals

Kena Boeckner
Rentals Coordinator | he·him·hisPhone: (505) 600-6507
Email: kboeckner@explora.us, rentals@explora.us

Angelique “Angie” Romero
Rentals & Administrative Assistant | she·her·hersPhone: 505-600-6507
Email: aromero@explora.us, rentals@explora.us

Spencer Claussen
Rentals Assistant | he·him·hisEmail: rentals@explora.us, sclaussen@explora.us
Project Management

Amon Haruta
Director of Project Management | he·him·hisPhone: (505) 600-6040
Email: aharuta@explora.us

Drora Schub
Volunteer Program Project Manager | she·her·hersPhone: (500) 600-6331
Email: dschub@explora.us

George Moran
Project Manager, Exhibits | he·him·hisPhone: (505) 600-0176
Email: gmoran@explora.us

Lenette Rodriguez
Project Manager, Square Roots | she·her·hersPhone: (505) 600-6252
Email: lrodriguez@explora.us

Julia Mongue
Project Manager, STEM-NM | she·her·hersEmail: jmonge@explora.us
X Studio

Sheldon Hamilton
X Studio Programs Manager | he·him·hisPhone: (505) 600-7516
Email: shamilton@explora.us

Alex Orona
X Studio Program CoordinatorPhone: (505) 600-1272
Email: aorona@explora.us

Jeanette Ortiz
Youth Development Specialist | she·her·hersPhone: (505) 600-6584
Email: jortiz@explora.us

Kris Dill
Facilities Tech | he·him·hisEmail: kdill@explora.us

Ian Stokes
Facilities Tech | he·him·hisEmail: istokes@explora.us

Nick Springer
Exhibits Tech | he·him·hisEmail: nspringer@explora.us
Board of Directors

Hilma Chynoweth
PresidentDirector of Business Development, Garcia Automotive Group

Benjamin Gardner
Immediate Past-President and Land Committee ChairCEO, Decker|Perich|Sabatini

Kathleen Larese
Vice President, President-elect, and Strategic Planning ChairDirector of Customer Solutions & Operations, PNM Resources

Rathi Casey
Secretary and Fundraising Committee ChairPartner and CEO, UKUU Creative

Steve Rottler
Treasurer and Finance & Investment Committee Chair
Dan Kingston
Director, Nominating Committee ChairHuman Resources Manager, PNM

Kamal Ali
Director, Nominating Committee ChairRegional President-New Mexico, PNC Bank

Kenneth Armijo
Director, Executive Committee Member-at-LargeSenior Member, Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories

Alexis Artery
Director, Executive Committee Member-at-LargeVice President of Operations, Contrast, Inc.

Karissa Culbreath
Director, Executive Committee Member-at-LargeDirector of Infectious Disease Diagnostics, Tricore Reference Laboratories

Melissa Gomez
Director, Executive Committee Member-at-LargeCorporate Support and Estimating Manager, JB Henderson

Lucinda Akers
DirectorPrincipal Member, Business Management Professional, Sandia National Labs

John Bell
DirectorPresident & Chief Strategist, NextNow Digital

Gabriella Blakey
DirectorChief Operations Officer, Albuquerque Public Schools

Jeron Campbell
DirectorSchool Entrepreneur, Founder, ACES Technical Charter School

Ray Campos
DirectorDepartment of Defense Federal Civilian Employee at the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center

Amy Coburn
DirectorUniversity Architect and Director of Planning, Design & Construction, UNM

Will Elias
DirectorGeneral Counsel and Secretary of NTESS, LLC, Sandia National Laboratories

Darrell Garcia
DirectorAssistant Principal, Rio Grande High School

Rachel Gupton
DirectorEngineer, Sandia National Labs

Annemarie Henton
DirectorDirector of State + Local Services for RS21

Judith Lavender
DirectorFounder of Tic, Tac, Grow Playwear

Jaime Leaños
DirectorTeacher and SANA President

Nate Lee
DirectorVice President of Commercial Banking, Bank of America

Bob Murphy
DirectorRetired Executive Director, Economic Forum

Adrián Pedroza
DirectorNational Executive Director at Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors

Shelle Sanchez
DirectorDirector, Department of Arts & Culture, City of Albuquerque

Steve Schreiner
DirectorVP of Digital Strategy & Operations, U.S. Eagle Federal Credit Union

Alexis Kerschner Tappan
former Board member, Nominating Committee memberPresident, AKT Communications

Renee Grout
DirectorCity Councilor, City of Albuquerque
Owner/Operator of the Auto Clinic